The Left Handed Limaçon

Linocut Printmaking Business

 In 2021 I started a business selling my handmade linocut prints called the “Left Handed Limaçon”. The venture has become more successful than expected, with over 100 prints sold for >$5000 of revenue to date and more than 5 million video views on social media

City Night Scene 「想像の横丁」


A linocut print is made by:

  1. Sketching a design

  2. Carving a block of linoleum so that the part you wish to print is raised up and the rest is recessed

  3. Inking the block with a roller

  4. Pressing paper onto the block so the ink transfers, producing the print

  5. Repeat for each color layer, making sure the layers are aligned

Close up of the Swordfish


Evangelion Unit-01

Many of the prints I make are inspired by the Ukiyo-E woodblock prints of Edo Period Japan, which can be seen in the use of gradients, title block, and framing of the motif.

Bathhouse from Spirited Away - seen in multiple intermediate stages of production as well as the finished print on the right


In order to funnel potential buyers to my shop page, an extensive social media campaign is essential. By posting videos presenting the printmaking process on TikTok, I have garnered 15k followers and my videos collectively have over 5 million views. Throughout the process, I have learned video production skills as well as entrepreneurship and how to communicate with an audience.

Golden Hour - My attempt to capture the view from the 12th story window of my Junior year dorm, Schapiro Hall

I hope to continue making prints and sharing the process in the foreseeable future, and will continue to post at the links below:


Math & Science Explainers


Slide Rule